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Evening class instruction is available by request. To see if the RCC Library is closed on school holidays and semester breaks, please consult the Library Calendar.
or via text at 857-877-2255
1234 Columbus Avenue
Building 3, Room 211
Boston, MA 02120
1. Wash all the veggies. In a large cooking pot, saute a medium onion and garlic with the olive oil until brownish.
2. Add all the veggies and fill up the pot with water until all the veggies are covered. Then let boil until for an hour or until everything is soft.
3. Then take the squash out, blend or mash it. Then put it back in the pot.
4. Add the frozen squash and some macaroni or spaghetti.
5. add flavors such as, adobo, thyme, salt, turmeric, hot pepper, etc.
6. Let soup cook on low until it becomes thick enough to your taste.
Bon appetite!