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One Book, One Campus

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee

Welcome to the research guide for this year's One Book One Campus selection. This guide contains information on the book, its author, its themes, and One Book One Campus events happening in the library and at RCC. Below you will find books, articles, streaming videos, and online resources. If you have any trouble finding these sources, please ask a librarian for help.

Image of book cover and author Heather McGhee

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Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class

Acclaimed journalist Bob Herbert details the harsh and often brutal discrimination that has made it extremely difficult for African-Americans to establish a middle-class standard of living. Dramatic historical footage and deeply-moving personal interviews explore the often heroic efforts of black families to pursue the American dream despite the obstacles and setbacks that have emerged nonstop from the Jim Crow era through the devastation of the Great Recession.


Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America

Interweaving lecture, personal anecdotes, interviews, and shocking revelations, in WHO WE ARE — A Chronicle of Racism in America, criminal defense/civil rights lawyer Jeffery Robinson draws a stark timeline of anti-Black racism in the United States, from slavery to the modern myth of a post-racial America.


Growing Up Poor in America

The experience of child poverty against the backdrop of the pandemic and increasing racial tensions. Set in Ohio, follow children and their families navigating issues of poverty, homelessness, race and new challenges due to COVID-19.


Wealth & Income Disparity

Christina Gibson-Davis, from Duke University, and Christine Percheski, from Northwestern University explain the difference between wealth and income disparity.


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