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Academic Technology and Instructional Design Resources

Your Partner in Thriving in Teaching with Technology

Planning the Learning Path

Designing an online course is a rewarding experience that requires careful planning and development of activities before the course is released to students. Visit the related pages for guidance and resources.

  • Course Mapping
  • Learning Objectives
  • Learning Materials
  • Accessibility Universal Design

Fostering a Learning Community

In addition to providing learning content in an online course, instructors must also create spaces and opportunities for learners to provide their input and collaborate with each other. This helps the learner become an active partner in the construction of learning. By deliberately cultivating more interaction — between you and your students and among the students themselves — you will build a sense of community in your online course. Outlining a plan for establishing and maintaining interaction in your course, as you first design your course, will help make your course building process more efficient. Review the resources below for more tips.

  • Instructor Presence
  • Synchronous vs Asynchronous
  • Learning Activities

Measuring Learning

Learner assessment in online courses also requires thoughtful planning. The challenges posed by the physical distance between instructor and learner can be diminished by using frequent, varied and authentic assessment methods.

  • Assessment Strategies
  • Assessment Activities
  • Academic Integrity