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Boston, MA 02120
This Video Explains Professionalism - Email Etiquette
Psychologist Eve Ash knows people are stressed, overloaded and drowning by the number of emails they receive. The time accessing emails should be controlled to overcome the addiction of receiving email on-tap, anywhere, anytime. To really get on top of email overload there should be two objectives: an empty inbox, using an effective system. In this program, Eve Ash introduces CADDY, a system of email management that enables staff to control their emails, rather than the other way round.
Being able to communicate clearly is crucial to good management, be it through the spoken word, email or reports and meetings. So why are we so bad at it? This documentary by Robert Cooke addresses the problem of miscommunication.
With over 124 Billion business emails sent and received each day, this animated episode highlights ways to make sure the emails you send are received and understood properly