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ENG 101: English Composition I - Updike

Covid-19 History Project

Although every moment is historical in its own way, the Covid-19 pandemic will be remembered as a particularly important historical event. Just as many people now are looking to the 1918 influenza pandemic for a blueprint of how pandemics work, a society suffering from a pandemic in another century will likely look to our experiences of Covid-19. (Take a look at this article from the Smithsonian to read diary entries from the 1918 influenza pandemic.) The mission of the RCC Archives is to preserve the history of the diverse RCC community, and right now it’s important to preserve the stories of how we’re all dealing with Covid-19. The archives invites students to submit any materials that in some way represent their experiences during the pandemic.

Once you submit to the project, the RCC Archives will preserve your submission and make it available on our website. Other people will be able to see what you've submitted and use it for research on the pandemic. If you’d like to remain anonymous on our website, you can select that option at the end of the form.

Click here to see previous submissions to the RCC Covid-19 History Project.

Click here to make a submission to the RCC Covid-19 History Project.