You can find the services we offer at a distance via Zoom, Teams, and other internet-based methods on our remote services page.
Evening class instruction is available by request. To see if the RCC Library is closed on school holidays and semester breaks, please consult the Library Calendar.
or via text at 857-877-2255
1234 Columbus Avenue
Building 3, Room 211
Boston, MA 02120
Full length and segment videos from:
Laying firm foundations for early literacy skills is about the learning that goes on before actual reading and writing. Children need to build these foundations from the right kind of experiences and support from their very first year.
Young children spontaneously pursue mathematical interests and questions during everyday play. It is important to understand that children are intrinsically motivated to explore mathematical concepts well before entering formal education. By understanding the mathematical problems that capture young children’s interest we are better able to create learning experiences that build upon and extend children’s developing mathematical knowledge. (From supplemental playlist guide).