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ENG 251: Journalism - Marcus

Investigative Journalism

Online Research

Think about the experts on your topic:

  • Who are they?
  • Where do they work? Government, the courts, academia, private industry (banking, healthcare), non-profits?
  • Who makes decisions about your topic on a national, state, or city level?
  • Who controls the funding that studies your issue?
  • Who benefits from your issue being in the news (or out of it)?
  • Are there multiple perspectives of your topic? (i.e. a homeless person versus a homeless shelter versus the Boston Public Health Commission)

When evaluating sources, consider:

  • Author
  • Date
  • Authority
  • Bias

Google Scholar

Google Advanced Search
Site or Domain
  • Type .edu for only academic websites, like colleges and universities
  • Type .gov for government websites, which includes governmental departments and programs
  • Type .org for any organization, including non-profits
Reading Level
  • If you'd like more academic results, choose an advanced reading level
  • If you'd like more introductory information, choose a basic reading level
File Type
  • Choose one of the file types to avoid searching through webpages if you'd prefer a PowerPoint, PDF, or Word document
Usage Rights
  • If you'd like to use a picture or video in a presentation, select the "free to use or share" option