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ENG 101: English Composition I - Wilder

Web Resources

It's important to be careful when using online resources. Many websites are biased or even present false information. Consider the criteria below when looking at a website.

Author: Is the author named, or are they anonymous?

Date: Is the article or website current and up to date? Is there a date on it at all?

Authority: Does the website tell you where it is getting its information from? How do you know it is factual?

Bias: Is the website's goal to inform or to persuade? 

What do URLs mean?

.com = commercial​ (ultimately trying to sell something)

.org = nonprofit​ (may want you to believe what they believe or donate to their cause)

.gov = government​ (usually reliable, but keep politics in mind)

.edu = school​ (usually reliable)

.net = misc. (this could be anything -- watch out!)

Media Bias