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Full length and segment videos from:
The fourteen-acre community garden at 41st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles is the largest of its kind in the United States. Started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992, the South Central Farmers have since created a miracle in one of the country's most blighted neighborhoods. Growing their own food. Feeding their families. Creating a community.
But now, bulldozers are poised to level their 14-acre oasis.
PLANT THIS MOVIE presents a comprehensive look at the evolution and growing impact of the international urban agriculture movement -- from cities across the United States to diverse countries around the world.
It vividly illustrates, the ingredients for scaling up urban farming and reconnecting people to the food we eat are now all around us. The movement provides hope that people across the nation and the world will once again have access to healthier, locally grown food, using the land near where they live as a primary source.
Imagine a vacant lot transformed into a productive garden, yielding bouquets of flowers and baskets of vegetables. Apply the same metaphor to homeless men and women, finding the rich soil of a cooperative project that gives them work, safety and community.
You now have a sense of the elegantly simple concept of this garden project. Here is a model that includes employment and training, the fundraising benefits of organic produce marketing, and the healing of the human spirit. Solutions to many of the problems facing our communities may be in our own backyards!