You can find the services we offer at a distance via Zoom, Teams, and other internet-based methods on our remote services page.
Evening class instruction is available by request. To see if the RCC Library is closed on school holidays and semester breaks, please consult the Library Calendar.
or via text at 857-877-2255
1234 Columbus Avenue
Building 3, Room 211
Boston, MA 02120
It's important to be careful when using websites for your research. Many websites may present only one side of an issue, or may even present false information. Consider the criteria below when looking at a website.
Author: Is the author named, or are they anonymous?
Date: Is the article or website current and up to date? Is there a date on it at all?
Authority: Does the website tell you where its information is coming from? How do you know it's factual?
Bias: Is the website's goal to inform or to persuade?