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Boston, MA 02120
Full length and segment videos from:
With 45 million sex trafficking victims worldwide, only 1% manage to escape or be rescued. SURVIVING SEX TRAFFICKING examines the ongoing struggles of those survivors as they desperately fight to break free of their past, heal their bodies and minds, reconnect with a world of hope, and reclaim their lost humanity.
"You are watching the auction of human beings." With those words, CNN's award-winning investigative journalist Nima Elbagir shattered the world's hope that slavery was confined to history.
The inside story of Guatemalan teens forced to work against their will in Ohio. An investigation of labor trafficking exposes a criminal network that exploited undocumented minors, companies profiting from forced labor, and the US government’s role.
Exposing the hidden reality of sex trafficking, inside a police unit and a victim’s harrowing story. Filmed over three years, a look at how victims are groomed and sold and innovative ways undercover police target traffickers and buyers.
The nature of crime in the UK is changing, and countering the complex offending of organized criminal groups is one of the biggest challenges prosecutors face. This film follows Eran Cutliffe - a senior prosecutor at the Crown Prosecution Service - over nearly two years, as she tries to build a case that will break new legal ground. What she is tackling is happening in plain sight up and down the UK's high streets: child trafficking and exploitation.