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Full length and segment videos from:
Gun safety laws have a historical precedent in the 1939 court case U.S. v Miller.
What are the origins of the Second Amendment, and how has it been interpreted throughout U.S. history? This Homework Help video explores the history of the Second Amendment as well as the Supreme Court interpretations of it that shape current discussions on the topic of gun control.
A report on untraceable firearms, called ghost guns, which are handcrafted via legally purchased gun kits. The loophole allows buyers to circumvent gun laws, and many of these weapons have been used in criminal acts. Includes interviews with Thomas Chittum, ATF’s assistant director of field operations; Bryan Muehlberger, whose daughter was a school shooting victim; Alex Villanueva, Los Angeles County Sherriff; Dimitrios Karras, ghost gun seller; and Thomas Brandon, former acting director of the ATF.
The Price of Freedom exposes the hidden past of the American gun debate and reveals how the outsized political and cultural influence of the National Rifle Association divided a nation and changed the course of American history, costing countless lives along the way.
After public mass shootings, the national gun debate consists of predictable talking points that focus on the object and neglect the underlying causes. However, firearms are unlike other objects. For some Americans, they are the symbols of personal identity and community. For other Americans, they represent racial oppression and violence. American Totem explores American’s emotional connection to firearms, and the power of this object to both create and destroy community. Taking a non-artisan approach, diverse communities, gun rights activists, gunshot victims and community organizers share their stories; and historians, philosophers, and sociologists offer their viewpoints.