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Gun Control

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Full length and segment videos from:

Gun Society

America is the undisputed gun capital of the world, with more gun dealers than gas stations - and more gun deaths than any other nation. Gun Society explores the historical and psychological roots of America's love affair with firearms. This multi-award winning film lets gun users speak for themselves, from a top NRA official and a former Black Panther Party leader, to those who purchase guns for protection or sport.

Under the Gun

The Sandy Hook massacre was considered a watershed moment in the national debate on gun control, but the body count at the hands of gun violence has only increased. In the past few years, a drastic rise in mass shootings has ripped across the United States, compounding an epidemic of gun violence across the country. Despite a growing body count at the hands of guns, and the outpouring of shock and outrage that comes with it, lawmakers have failed to respond with meaningful action. Searing and powerful, UNDER THE GUN gives a human face to a crisis that is costing us in blood and scarring the conscience of a nation.


After Newtown: Guns in America

An unprecedented exploration of America's enduring relationship with firearms. From the first European settlements in the New World to frontier justice; from 19th Century immigrant riots to gangland violence in the Roaring Twenties; from the Civil War to Civil Rights, guns have been at center of our national narrative for four hundred years. Americans have relied on guns to sustain communities, challenge authority, and keep the peace. Efforts to curtail their distribution and ownership have triggered epic political battles. On one side, the cry for gun control gets louder with each mass shooting. And on the other, Charlton Heston's 2000 rallying cry, "From my cold, dead hands," still resonates across the land.

Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA

FRONTLINE goes inside the politics of America's gun debate. Veteran filmmaker Michael Kirk investigates the NRA, its political evolution and influence, and how it has consistently succeeded in defeating new gun control legislation.

Gunned Down investigates how the NRA uses its unrivaled political power to stop gun regulation in America. With first-hand accounts of school killings in Newtown and Columbine, and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, "Gunned Down" examines why, despite the national trauma over gun violence, Washington hasn't acted.