You can find the services we offer at a distance via Zoom, Teams, and other internet-based methods on our remote services page.
Evening class instruction is available by request. To see if the RCC Library is closed on school holidays and semester breaks, please consult the Library Calendar.
or via text at 857-877-2255
1234 Columbus Avenue
Building 3, Room 211
Boston, MA 02120
As part of this course, you will be introduced to the library and learn how library resources and services can help you be a better student. You will take part in one of these two activities:
Choose your course by the instructor and the section below for completing the library orientation tutorial!
Fall 2024
ACS 102.04
by an instructor, Jeth Jameson, click HERE.
ACS 102.81 (9.4.2024-10.25.2024, Eight Week Course)
by an instructor, Jennie Thrash, click HERE.
ACS 102.81 (9.4.2024-10.25.2024, Eight Week Course)
by an instructor, Jacquolyn Payne-Thompson, click HERE.
ACS 102.D4
by an instructor, Seth Jameson, click HERE.
ACS 102.D8 (9.16.24-12.21.24, Autumn Access Course)
by an instructor, Jennie Thrash, click HERE.
2. Library Instruction Session (On-campus): Later in the semester, you will come with your class to the library for more in-depth instruction on how to find quality information whether in paper or online sources.