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Boston, MA 02120
EVOLUTION EARTH embarks on a global expedition to reveal the animals keeping pace with a planet changing at superspeed. Heading out across the globe to distant wilds and modern urban environments, five episodes track how animals are moving, using ingenuity to adapt their behaviour, and even evolving in unexpected ways.
A visual outline of the core process of evolution by natural selection, emphasising that adaptation takes place over generations, from heritable variation.
Convergent evolution occurs when natural selection causes different species to evolve in similar ways. Does this mean that evolution follows a predetermined path? Focus on the recent debate between scientists Stephen Jay Gould and Simon Conway Morris. Gould perceived contingencies and unpredictability, but Conway Morris saw repetition and consistency. How do these views relate to human evolution?
A spectacular fossil graveyard reveals a 43-million-year-old whale that had four legs and could walk. Follow scientists as they search for new clues to how mammals moved from land into the sea to become the largest animals on Earth.
Learn all about the latest dinosaur embryo discovery in China and how scientists now view birds as today's last living dinosaurs. What is the "hopeful monster" theory? Did all dinosaurs actually have feathers? Why are birds so small today if they descended from dinosaurs? Is there an evolutionary advantage to being small? How did the round, fleshy dinosaur snout become a bird beak? The answers to these questions and more are covered in depth with detailed graphics, engaging examples and exciting video that reinforce important points and make learning fun.